Digital learning is HUGE in the Castleberry Independent School District. Last year, the introduction of required digital infused lessons by all teachers was implemented into the district and the technological advances of all parties involved soared. As a principal, it was with great pride and joy that I had the pleasure of seeing, first hand, the genius of knowledge regarding technology in our students.
As the district goal, this year, is to establish an even higher level of learning from the students with the Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Model as a (continued) guide, I decided what better way for teachers to be knowledgeable with the model, inside and out, than to have the students become the teachers.
Thus, a schedule has been developed for during weekly advisory (between the community service projects and the guest speakers) for students to model what they learned last year from their teachers. Each student will use a different web 2.0 or 3.0 web and develop an infused lesson, directing the class/teacher how to participate. A rubric will be developed so the expectations will be noted from the beginning, and each participate in the class will offer positive/constructive feedback in a written format.
As REACH High School is an at-risk "school of choice" alternative accelerated high school with 45-50 students, initially, each student will only be teaching about 12 individuals. The rubric will indicate, for the brave ones who would like to take it a step further, to truly excel the student may choose to present the lesson in front of the entire school. Those presenting to the entire school may take it even a step further by consenting to be recorded for the district's YouTube channel.
Our students constantly amaze me, and I am very excited to see where our students will take us on our new journey.