As educators, we provide a much more important role in the lives of our students than merely from the educational, academic standpoint. We owe it to our students, and to society in general, to do everything in our power to prepare students to be successful citizens in the social realm. By the time a student reaches high school, the lessons and morals that parents wish to instill in their children are already intact. At this point, there isn't much more a parent can say to a teenager that hasn't been said at least a dozen times before. Students, generally, may think their parents really don't know all that much about life. Teenager make their own mistakes and tend to look for role models outside of the home for inspiration. With all the negative role models that are exposed by media, it is more important than ever that educators stay strong in their beliefs and values.
Appropriate, professional relationships are essential in preparing students for the phase of life beyond high school. We owe it to our students to be consistent on our expectations and to follow through in our attempt to achieve these expectations. We have the advantage that parents do not. The students are required to give us their attention and listen to what we have to say. In addition, we are able to enforce particular values due to consequences the students may receive if the rules are not followed. It is our duty to exaggerate the norms and expectations of the outside world so that even if a student falls short of our social expectations, he/she will still hit the mark of society's expectations. As educators, it is our duty, and often times the students' last chance, for someone to truly make a difference.